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私  plofile

土居 大記














Born in Kagawa, Japan, 1991.

Studying architecture in my undergraduate and

start my creation as an artist after graduation.

Participated in a residency program of BankART, Yokohama.

My works are an experiments of  installation and performance by using foodstuffs or natural phenomena. It`s based on idea of “beautiful be perishable” For example the salt is reacting humidity and oil oxidize by air. Extracting trivial phenomenon in everyday life like these, I create a space of “realizing” something.

An experience in the space makes obscure a boundary between knowing and unknowing.

I present joyful feeling of the realizing and tolerance for ignorance.



2017- 2018       Koganecho Artist In Residence

2016                     Ekoda Artist In Residence

2015 .2013    Bank ART NYK Artist In Residence


Group Exhibition

2018                   「Gold Reflection Town」Free Art Space, Taipei

2018            「Kogane cho Artist In Residence 2017」Yokohama

2016                        「Drive to Billion light years」URESICA, Tokyo

2013  「卒、2012 (Diploma design)」BankART NYK, Yokohama



2022 3 3 3 1 A r t f a i r  Tokyo

2022                   Solo exhibition「marking work」tentline Kanagawa

2021  Photo exhibition「Photo session in Kyoto」kumagusukuSAS Kyoto

2020Duo exhibition「Who went who couldn’t go」Zunzun-planC Kagawa

2020     Duo exhibition「Nuretajizo project」Ebiharashoten Tokyo

2019          Artist in the garden巣くう芸術家たち Obaen Kanagawa

2019                Hayama art festival 「River side」 Tentline Kanagawa

2019                                  Open studio 「Match」Ohiro-sou, Yokohama

2017 Implovisation Performance「Seiden」 Ohira-sou,Yokohama

2017            Open Studio 「Germinating rip」 Ohiro-sou, Yokohama

2016       Stage Art 「Falling color night」 BankARTNYK, Yokohama

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